How to get free web space.

How To Get Free Web Space

There are many free web site providers to choose from but I use They offer a great range of free resources.

Virtually all free web sites have some form of advertising banner on them, freeservers is no exception but it's easy and cheap to get the banners removed later.

The first step in getting your free web space is to choose a name for your web site.

Freeservers names are of the form:

Later on you can register your own domain name like and replace the freeservers name with it.

First choose which free name you like from the following list:


Now here's an important tip that applies to any free web site: Check the name is search engine friendly. By this I mean:

"will the search engine list my web site?"

This is vital if you want people to find your site in searches!

A problem with free sites is so many people abuse them and create spam web sites that don't adhere to the terms and conditions of the search engines. Then the domain name is blacklisted and is removed from the search engine database.

One of the biggest and best search engines is It is important that you can get your site listed in altavista since it's free and you can generate lot's of visitors to your web site.

Here's how to check that your site is likely to be listed.
For example, if you picked as your freename:

Search for

This will open a new page with the results of an altavista search for other web sites using this name. If no results are found then that name has been banned so you won't get your site listed and it's best to pick another free name from the list.

Phew! All that and we still haven't finished with the name.

Next, you need to think of your personalised name.
This name could be your ebusiness brand name or a word or phrase related to the contents of your web site.

For example, you might choose carparts for your name.
Then you might decide on for the rest of the name.
Now your web site address (url) will be:

Remember to check that is listed on alta vista as I explained earlier.

The next step is to go to the freeservers site and register for your free web space. If your name is already taken then you'll need to think of another one.

Click this link to open Freeservers in a new window so that you may continue to refer to this information:

Freeservers web site registration page.

Wow! Now you have your own free web space.

The next step is to make a web page .

How To
Make a Web Page

How Do I
Promote My Website Free?

How To
Make Free Web Sites

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